Affiliate Links
In many cases, when we recommend a product, we’ll link to the company’s website using an affiliate or referral link. If you end up buying a product that you found via our link, we get a small commission from the seller. Sometimes that commission is a few dollars; sometimes it’s more. Sometimes it’s a one-time commission; sometimes it’s a rolling commission — so if you sign up for a monthly subscription service we might get a percentage of that fee. The important detail here though is that the referral doesn’t cost you a penny. The entire commission comes out of the vendor’s pocket, not yours. And we’ll never recommend a product simply because it pays us a commission because that is unethical. We recommend products that we’ve personally used or that come highly recommended. Please be advised, though, that the efficacy of products related to mental health are highly subjective. So please be careful, do your research, and make purchases that enhance your own quality of life. Each post we publish has a notice that affiliate links may be used. If you are unsure which links are affiliates and which are not, go ahead and assume it is an affiliate link. That way you’ll always know.Affiliate Disclosure
This affiliate disclosure details the affiliate relationships of Blunt Therapy with other companies and products. Some links are “affiliate links”, a link with a special tracking code. This means if you click on an affiliate link and purchase the item, we will receive an affiliate commission. The price of the item is the same whether it is an affiliate link or not. Regardless, we only recommend products or services we believe will add value to our readers. By using the affiliate links, you are helping support the Service, and we genuinely appreciate your support. Affiliate advertising programs that the Service uses are:- Amazon Services LLC Associates Program
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