7 Good Reasons Therapists Should Pursue EMDR Training

March 29, 2024
4 mins read
7 Good Reasons Therapists Should Pursue EMDR Training
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Last Updated on March 29, 2024 by Randy Withers, LCMHC

Therapists are always searching for new methods to aid their clients in healing more effectively and efficiently. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is one such method. It’s not just another tool; it’s a game-changer. Recognized globally, especially for treating PTSD, EMDR involves a unique technique using eye movements to address traumatic memories.

Supported by solid research, it offers therapists a chance to make a significant impact on their clients’ lives. EMDR training doesn’t just add another tool to the toolbox; it opens up new possibilities for healing and growth.

Now, let’s explore the impact EMDR training can have for therapists, focusing on how it changes therapy practices and improves client outcomes.

7 Good Reasons Therapists Should Pursue EMDR Training
7 Good Reasons Therapists Should Pursue EMDR Training

7 Reasons to Consider EMDR Training

Here are seven compelling reasons that highlight the power and potential of adding EMDR to your therapeutic toolkit. Each one shows the depth of healing EMDR can offer clients and the professional growth it brings to therapists’ practices.

1. Meet Diverse Client Needs

For clients wrestling with the aftermath of trauma, EMDR can be a game changer. Traditional talk therapy, while effective for many, might not reach everyone. EMDR steps in with a unique approach, allowing therapists to engage with clients on a different level. It offers a path to healing for those who have found little success with other methods, truly meeting clients where they are in their journey towards recovery.

2. Enhance Professional Competence

Learning EMDR isn’t just about collecting another certificate for your wall. It’s about staying sharp and ahead in your field. This training pushes your career forward, making you a go-to person for effective trauma treatment. Plus, it shows you’re serious about offering top-notch care.

3. Offer Evidence-Based Therapy

EMDR isn’t just some trendy technique; it’s got the science to back it up. It’s proven to help with trauma, anxiety, and depression. That means when you use EMDR, you’re not just hoping for the best – you’re using a method that’s shown to work, giving your clients and you real confidence in the healing process.

4. Provide Effective Help

What’s great about EMDR is that it can get results without taking forever. While there’s no magic wand in therapy, EMDR is about as close as it gets, offering a path to healing that doesn’t drag on for years. It’s about getting to the heart of trauma and moving forward, efficiently.

5. Stand Out in Your Practice

With so many therapists out there, EMDR training helps you stand out from the crowd. It’s a clear signal to potential clients that you’re invested in offering innovative and effective treatment options. This can draw in people looking for therapists who are on the cutting edge of trauma therapy.

6. Join a Supportive Professional Network

Diving into EMDR training introduces you to a community of therapists who are just as passionate about this method as you are. It’s a place for swapping stories, tips, and encouragement. This network can become a fantastic resource for referrals and new ideas, not to mention the camaraderie.

7. Address a Broad Spectrum of Mental Health Issues

EMDR goes beyond just handling trauma. It’s effective for a whole range of issues, from phobias to depression. This versatility means you can help even more people find their way back to mental wellness. It broadens the scope of who you can treat, making your practice even more valuable.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) for PTSD. Courtesy, YouTube.

Final Thoughts

Many medical and government bodies, such as the World Health Organization and the US Department of Veterans Affairs, recommend EMDR therapy.

EMDR can seriously enhance a therapist’s ability to affect change in a client’s life. It’s not just about picking up a new skill; it’s about committing to a method that digs deep and gets to the heart of trauma with solid science backing it up. With EMDR in their toolkit, therapists have a powerful way to help clients heal on a significant level.

Adding EMDR to the mix changes the game for therapists, letting them offer a kind of care that’s more thorough and reaches further into what clients need for recovery. It’s key for therapists looking to push their practice forward and really make an impact with their work.

Rolling EMDR into practice is a big move towards top-notch mental health care. It proves therapists are all in on going above and beyond for their clients, offering a way forward that’s both cutting-edge and deeply effective.

For therapists looking to make a real difference and enhance client outcomes, the appropriate use of EMDR is a crucial step in the right direction.

Additional EMDR Resources

Here are several online resources that offer valuable insights into EMDR, ranging from training opportunities to research articles:

1. EMDR Institute:

  • The EMDR Institute is a leading organization that provides EMDR training and certification programs for mental health professionals. Their website offers information on upcoming workshops, certification requirements, and resources for EMDR therapists.
  • URL: EMDR Institute

2. EMDR International Association (EMDRIA):

  • EMDRIA is a professional association dedicated to promoting the highest standards of EMDR therapy practice, research, and education. Their website features resources such as EMDR training programs, research articles, and information on becoming certified in EMDR.
  • URL: EMDR International Association

3. EMDR Therapy Basic Training Course (EMDRIA Approved):

  • This comprehensive online training course, approved by EMDRIA, provides mental health professionals with the foundational knowledge and skills needed to practice EMDR therapy effectively. Participants learn about the eight phases of EMDR therapy, case conceptualization, and practical techniques for working with trauma.
  • URL: EMDR Therapy Basic Training Course

4. EMDR Research Foundation:

  • The EMDR Research Foundation is dedicated to advancing the understanding and application of EMDR therapy through research initiatives and grants. Their website features a repository of research articles, meta-analyses, and clinical studies on the efficacy of EMDR for various mental health conditions.
  • URL: EMDR Research Foundation

5. “Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing for Depression: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis” (PubMed Central):

  • This systematic review and meta-analysis critically evaluate the effectiveness of EMDR therapy for depression. The study synthesizes findings from multiple research studies to assess the impact of EMDR on depressive symptoms and offers valuable insights for clinicians and researchers.
  • URL: PubMed Central

These resources collectively provide a comprehensive overview of EMDR therapy, from training opportunities to research evidence, empowering mental health professionals to incorporate this evidence-based treatment modality into their practice effectively.

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Randy Withers, LCMHC

Randy Withers, LCMHC is a Board-Certified and Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor at Practical Counseling and Wellness Solutions, LLC in North Carolina. He has masters degrees in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Lenoir-Rhyne University and Education from Florida State University, and is the managing editor of Blunt Therapy. He writes about mental health, therapy, and addictions. In his spare time, you can find him watching reruns of Star Trek: TNG with his dog. Connect with him on LinkedIn. If you are a NC resident looking for a new therapist, you can book an appointment with him.

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Randy Withers, LCMHC

Reviewed for accuracy by Randy Withers, MA, NCC, LCMHC, LCAS. Licensed Therapist and Managing Editor of Blunt Therapy

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